– A Future Office Concept
We are pleased to have accompanied the expansion of your office space in Leipzig with customized solutions for the office concept of the future, in collaboration with Drees & Sommer.
Drees & Sommer is a globally active company that has supported private and public clients, as well as investors, in all matters related to real estate and infrastructure for over 50 years. Their forward-thinking approach combines economic efficiency and sustainability.
The implemented innovative office concept of the future was fully focused on New Work and aims to create optimal conditions for employee satisfaction, creativity, and efficiency. It places great importance on the individual choice of workspace and offers various options such as desk-sharing, remote work, and different meeting rooms. Additionally, chatpods were integrated as room-in-room systems to ensure privacy for confidential phone calls.
Sustainability and the well-being of employees were also central considerations for this project. Green elements in the communication areas and non-toxic, recyclable materials for louver walls & chatpods by Impact Acoustic, as well as parkett and carpet tiles that are cradle-to-cradle certified, contribute to a healthy and sustainable work environment.
We are grateful to be part of this forward-looking project and wish you much success and productive work in the new spaces.

09350 Lichtenstein
Tel: +49 37204 92 94-0
Fax: +49 37204 92 94-19
01109 Dresden
Tel: +49 351 21 590-290
Fax: +49 351 21 590-163